Today actually started out great. I got up and made whole wheat french toast. It was awesome. I need to get the light syrup, but that is ok. The whole wheat was awesome. I just found out that I could of used all the batter and froze my french toast. I will definitely do that next time.
We went to church. Donovan and I picked up Tiffaney and the kids. The service was great. I was sad to hear about Samantha having a miscarriage. I will have to keep her in my prayers. The lesson today was given by Lance and it was great. It was just what I needed.
Donovan and I didn't do much today. He played as usually. I need to find things to do with him. He loves to do things. We played his Cars Tire game. It was great. We enjoyed it. However he does get frustrated. I love my Bubba.
I did go to Walgreens today and had a great coupon day. My receipt says I had a 11.88 cents in Walgreens ad savings and then 9.00 in coupons. If I didn't buy the extra stuff I needed, I would of only spent 7.88 cents. My coupon savings included 4 pks of bikini razors, toothpaste, stayfree pads, and Bayer asprin with a 2.00 rebate. Loved it. I just love couponging. I will have to start putting my savings into our Disney Account for next year. So the 20.88 cents I saved needs to go into our savings account. I will do that in a bit.
I made a great dinner. Fig glazed chicken breast, and a penne pasta with cherry tomatoes, sautee zuchinni, saute bell pepper with parmesan cheese. Yummy.
I did the couch to 5K tonight, but a little differently. Because I forgot to do it today due to not feeling well, I did it inside the house. I know it was not the same, but I did do some type of workout.
Tomorrow is a new day and I can't wait to see what it has for Donovan and I. I do know I need to do some reading. I haven't read in a few days.
Now my quote of the day...The best way to prepare for life is to begin to live.
Elbert Hubbard