Well here we go again. I started back up on WW. I know it works, but my motivation can stink when it comes to weight loss. I know that eating healthy and doing the right thing for my body will help me health wise. However, why is it so hard. Everyone wants to do it, but many are not accomplishing it. Why? I wish I knew the answer to that. I had my first weigh in after starting and only loss .8 lbs. It is a loss but not really smiling. I know it is going to be harder now, since I have it on the mind. I find it easier to keep to the plan when I am working. It is on my days off I crumple. My goal is to figure out how to overcome this issue. Another goal of mine is to figure out how to exercise more. I want to run a 5K. I need to figure out how to accomplish my goal. I guess I will start my bucketlist. I want to accomplish several things before I turn 50. I guess I better get to moving and accomplish those goals. Here goes to another off day. Wish me luck.


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